
      • 姓名: 邢長(zhǎng)明
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 職稱: 副研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話: 020-85290230
      • 傳真: 
      • 電子郵件: cmxing@gig.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區(qū)科華街511號(hào)
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      •   2018.01 – 至今??? 中國(guó)科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,副研究員

          2015.04 - 2015.07? 香港大學(xué),研究助理

          2015.01 - 2017.12? 中國(guó)科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,助理研究員

          2009.09 - 2014.07? 中國(guó)科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,博士

          2005.09 - 2009.07? 長(zhǎng)安大學(xué)地球科學(xué)與資源學(xué)院,學(xué)士

      • ? ? ? ?主要從事鎂鐵-超鎂鐵質(zhì)巖漿演化及成礦作用研究。利用礦物精細(xì)結(jié)構(gòu)和微區(qū)成分變化,揭示巖漿房中不同礦物的生長(zhǎng)機(jī)制和結(jié)晶歷史,反演成礦過程。
      • 2017.12? 入選中國(guó)科學(xué)院青年創(chuàng)新促進(jìn)會(huì)

      • 1.?Xing C.-M., Wang C. Y., Charlier, B. & Namur, O. 2022. Ubiquitous dendritic olivine constructs initial crystal framework of mafic magma chamber. Earth and Planetary Science Letters?594, 117710.??

        2. Zhou J.-S., Wang Q., Xing C.-M., Ma L., Hao L.-L., Li Q.-W., Wang Z.-L. & Huang T.-Y. 2021. Crystal growth of clinopyroxene in mafic alkaline magmas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters?568, 117005.??

        3. Xing C.-M., Wang C. Y. 2020. Periodic Mixing of Magmas Recorded by Oscillatory Zoning of the Clinopyroxene Macrocrysts from an Ultrapotassic Lamprophyre Dyke. Journal of Petrology?61, egaa103.??

        4. Xing C.-M., Wang C.Y., Wang, H., 2020. Magmatic-hydrothermal processes recorded by muscovite andcolumbite-group minerals from the Bailongshan rare-element pegmatites in the West Kunlun-Karakorum orogenic belt, NW China. Lithos?364-365, 105507.??

        5. Xing C.M., Wang C.Y., Tan W. 2017. Disequilibrium growth of olivine in mafic magmas revealed by phosphorus zoning patterns of olivine from mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 479, 108-119.??

        6. Xing C.M., Wang C.Y. 2017. Cathodoluminescence images and trace element compositions of fluorapatite from the Hongge layered intrusion in SW China: A record of prolonged crystallization and overprinted fluid metasomatism. American Mineralogist?102, 1390-1401.??

        7. Xing C.M., Wang C.Y., Li C. 2014. Trace elements of apatite from the middle zone of the Panzhihua layered intrusion, SW China: insights into the differentiation of P- and Si-rich melts. Lithos, 204: 188-202.??

        8. Xing C.M., Wang C.Y., Zhang M.J. 2012. Volatile and C-H-O isotopic compositions of giant Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits in the Panxi region and their implications for the sources of volatiles and the origin of Fe-Ti oxide ores. Science China Earth Sciences, 55(11): 1782-1795.??

        9. 邢長(zhǎng)明, 王焰, 張傳林. 2013. 塔里木大火成巖省皮羌層狀巖體的礦物結(jié)晶順序和釩鈦磁鐵礦礦石成因探討. 地學(xué)前緣, 20(4): 285-298.??

        10. 邢長(zhǎng)明, 王焰, 張銘杰. 2012. 攀西地區(qū)超大型釩鈦磁鐵礦礦床揮發(fā)份組成及其C-H-O穩(wěn)定同位素研究:對(duì)揮發(fā)份來源和礦石成因的約束. 中國(guó)科學(xué) 地球科學(xué), 42(11): 1701-1715.??

        11. 邢長(zhǎng)明, 陳偉, 王焰, 趙太平. 2011. 華北克拉通北緣元古宙大廟Fe-Ti-P礦床的揮發(fā)份組成和C-H-O同位素研究. 巖石學(xué)報(bào), 27(5): 1500-1510.??

        12. Cao J., Wang C.Y., Xu Y.G., Xing C.M., Ren M.H. 2017. Triggers on sulfide saturation in Fe-Ti oxide-bearing, mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Tarim large igneous province, NW China. Mineralium Deposita 52(4), 471-494.??

        13. 董歡, 邢長(zhǎng)明, 王焰.?2017. 攀西地區(qū)新街層狀巖體粒間不混熔作用: 來自斜長(zhǎng)石環(huán)帶結(jié)構(gòu)的記錄. 大地構(gòu)造與成礦, 4: 369-380.??

        14. 王焰, 王坤, 邢長(zhǎng)明, 魏博, 董歡, 曹永華. 2017. 二疊紀(jì)峨眉山地幔柱巖漿成礦作用的多樣性. 礦物巖石地球化學(xué)通報(bào), 3: 404-417. ??

        15. Tan, W., Wang, C.Y., He, H., Xing, C.M., Liang, X., Dong, H., 2015. Magnetite-rutile symplectite derived from ilmenite-hematite solid solution in the Xinjie Fe-Ti oxide-bearing, mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion (SW China). American Mineralogist, 100, 2348-2351.???

        16. Cao J., Wang C.Y., Xing C.M., Xu Y.G. 2014. Origin of the early Permian Wajilitag igneous complex and associated Fe–Ti oxide mineralization in the Tarim large igneous province, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 84: 51-68.??

        17. Liu P.P., Zhou M.F., Wang C.Y., Xing C.M., Gao J.F. 2014. Open magma chamber processes in the formation of the Permian Baima mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion, SW China. Lithos, 184-187: 194-208. ??

        18. Dong H., Xing C.M., Wang C.Y. 2013. Textures and mineral compositions of the Xinjie layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of magnetite and fractionation process of Fe-Ti-rich basaltic magmas. Geosciences Frontiers, 4: 503-515.??

        19. 王坤, 邢長(zhǎng)明, 任鐘元, 王焰. 2013. 攀枝花鎂鐵質(zhì)層狀巖體磷灰石中的熔融包裹體:巖漿不混熔的證據(jù). 巖石學(xué)報(bào), 29(10): 3503-

        ? ? ? ? 18.

      •   1.國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面上項(xiàng)目:橄欖石中輕-超輕元素(P-Li-H)的賦存狀態(tài)和擴(kuò)散對(duì)巖漿過程及其時(shí)限的制約,2021.01 - 2024.12,負(fù)責(zé)人;
          2.國(guó)家青年科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目:粒間顯微結(jié)構(gòu)對(duì)鎂鐵-超鎂鐵質(zhì)層狀巖體的巖漿演化過程和巨量鐵鈦氧化物堆積機(jī)制的指示,2016.01 - 2018.12,負(fù)責(zé)人。