
      • 姓名: 楊武斌
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話(huà): 020-85290243
      • 傳真: 020-85290243
      • 電子郵件: yangwubin@gig.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 廣東省廣州市天河區五山科華街511號
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      •   楊武斌,研究員,男,1984年3月生,漢族,中共黨員。2007年7月畢業(yè)于中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)(北京),獲地質(zhì)學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位。2012年7月畢業(yè)于中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,獲礦物學(xué)、巖石學(xué)和礦床學(xué)博士學(xué)位,并留所工作任助理研究員,2014年10月晉升為副研究員,2022年1月晉升為研究員,曾應邀赴加拿大Lakehead University開(kāi)展訪(fǎng)問(wèn)合作研究。現任廣東省礦物物理與材料研究開(kāi)發(fā)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室副主任、中科院礦物學(xué)與成礦學(xué)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室LA-(MC)ICPMS實(shí)驗室主任。目前擔任國際礦床學(xué)主流學(xué)術(shù)期刊《Ore Geology Reviews》副主編,中文核心期刊《大地構造與成礦學(xué)》青年編委。

        社會(huì )任職:
      • 1. 堿性巖漿過(guò)程及其成礦作用


        2. 礦物原位微區高精度分析技術(shù)


      •   2021年獲得國家自然科學(xué)基金優(yōu)秀青年基金資助
          2021年入選“中國科學(xué)院青年創(chuàng )新促進(jìn)會(huì )”優(yōu)秀會(huì )員
          2017年入選“中國科學(xué)院青年創(chuàng )新促進(jìn)會(huì )”會(huì )員
      • 1. Yang WB*, Niu HC, Li NB, Hollings P, Zurevinski S, Mitchell R. 2022. Scavenging and release of REE and HFSE during Na-metasomatism in magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Fundamental Research, in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2022.04.004.

        2. Qu P, Yang WB*, Niu HC, Li NB, Wu D. 2022. Apatite fingerprints on the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Daheishan giant porphyry Mo deposit, NE China. Geological Society of America Bulletin 134(7–8): 1863–1876.

        3. Weng Q, Yang WB*, Niu HC, Li NB, Mitchell R, Zurevinski S, Wu D. 2022. Formation of the Maoniuping giant REE deposit: constraints from mineralogy and in situ bastn?site U-Pb geochronology. American Mineralogist 107: 282–293.

        4. Qu P, Niu HC, Weng Q, Yang WB, Yang YY, Zhang D. 2022. In situ U-Pb geochronology, elemental and Nd isotopic compositions of titanite from the Mesozoic porphyry Mo deposits, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews 144:104817.

        5. Weng Q, Niu HC, Qu P, Li NB, Shan Q, Yang WB. 2022. Controlling factors of prolonged REE mineralization in the Maoniuping REE deposit: Constraints from alkaline granite in the syenite–carbonatite complex. Ore Geology Reviews 142: 104705.

        6. Zhao XC, Yan S*, Niu HC, Zhang QB, Wu J, Zhao X, Yang WB. 2021. Isotopic fingerprints of recycled eclogite facies sediments in the generation of the Huanglongpu carbonatite, central China. Ore Geology Reviews 139: 104534.

        7. Li A, Yang WB*, Shan Q, Yu XZ, Xu GZ, Han JS, Zhang ZY, Weng Q, Zhao XC. 2021. Mineralogy and short wavelength infrared spectral analysis of white mica in the No. 782 REE–Nb–Zr deposit, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews 138: 104390.

        8. Li A, Yang WB*, Niu HC, Shan Q, Jia C. 2021. Mineralogy and U–Pb geochronology of REE fluorocarbonates from the Gansha Obo REE deposit, northwest China. Ore Geology Reviews 136: 104266.

        9. Weng Q, Yang WB*, Niu HC, Li NB, Qu P, Shan Q, Fan GQ, Jiang ZY, Zhang ZY, Li A, Zhao XC. 2021. B-Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic constraints on the origin of the Maoniuping alkaline syenite-carbonatite complex, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews 135: 104193.

        10. Weng Q, Yang WB*, Niu HC, Li NB, Shan Q, Fan GQ, Jiang ZY. 2021. Two discrete stages of fenitization in the Lizhuang REE deposit, SW China: implications for REE mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 133: 104090.

        11. Yang WB, Niu HC, Li NB, Hollings P, Zurevinski S, Xing CM. 2020. Enrichment of REE and HFSE during the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Baerzhe alkaline granite, NE China: Implications for rare metal mineralization. Lithos 358-359: 105411.

        12. Li NB, Niu HC, Yang WB, Lai CK, Zhao ZH, 2019, Orogenic Root Delamination Induced by Eclogitization of Thickened Lower Crust in the Chinese Western Tianshan: Constraints From Adakites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124(11): 11089-11104.

        13. Qu P, Li NB, Niu HC, Yang WB, Shan Q, Zhang ZY, 2019, Zircon and apatite as tools to monitor the evolution of fractionated I-type granites from the central Great Xing'an Range, NE China. Lithos 348-349: 105207.

        14. Yan S, Zhou RJ, Niu HC, Feng YX, Nguyen AD, Zhao ZH, Yang WB, Dong Q, Zhao JX, 2019, LA-MC-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of low-U garnets reveals multiple episodes of skarn formation in the volcanic-hosted iron mineralization system, Awulale belt, Central Asia. Geological Society of America Bulletin 132(5–6): 1031–1045.

        15. Yu PP, Zhang Y, Zhou YZ, Weinberg RF, Zheng Y, Yang WB, 2019, Melt evolution of crustal anatexis recorded by the Early Paleozoic Baiyunshan migmatite-granite suite in South China. Lithos 332, 83–98.

        16. Zhao Y, Li NB, Jiang YH, Niu HC, Yang WB, 2018, Multi-stage Cu remobilization of the Huping metamorphic-hydrothermal deposit in the southern North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews 101, 870–884.

        17. Yang WB, Niu HC, Hollings P, Zurevinski SE, Li NB, 2017. The role of recycled oceanic crust in the generation of alkaline A-type granites. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 122(12): 9775–9783.

        18. Zeng LJ, Niu HC, Bao ZW, Yang WB*, 2017, Chemical lattice expansion of natural zircon during the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of A-type granite. American Mineralogist 102(3): 655–665.

        19. Zeng LJ, Bao ZW, Shan Q, Yang WB, Zhao Y, Li NB, 2016, Magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of highly fractionated granites: Evidence from the Kuiqi miarolite in Fujian province, SE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 123: 100–110.

        20. Chen YX, Li H, Sun WD, Ireland T, Tian X, Hu YB, Yang WB, Chen C, and Xu DR, 2016. Generation of Late Mesozoic Qianlishan A2-type granite in Nanling Range, South China: Implications for Shizhuyuan W–Sn mineralization and tectonic evolution. Lithos 266: 435–452.

        21. Yang WB, Niu HC, Cheng LR, Shan Q, Li NB, 2015, Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the southern Great Xing’an Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113: 454–470.

        22. Zeng LJ, Niu HC, Bao ZW, Shan Q, He Li, Ningbo Li, Yang WB, 2015, Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the plagiogranites in the Zhaheba ophiolite, Eastern Junggar orogen, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 137–150.

        23. Li NB, Niu HC, Shan Q, Yang WB, 2015. Two episodes of Late Paleozoic A-type magmatism in the Qunjisayi area, western Tianshan: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 238–253.

        24. Yan S, Shan Q, Niu HC, Yang WB, Li NB, Zeng LJ, Jiang YH, 2015. Petrology and geochemistry of late Carboniferous hornblende gabbro from the Awulale Mountains, western Tianshan (NW China): Implication for an arc–nascent back-arc environment, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113: 218–237.

        25. Li NB, Niu HC, Zhang XC, Zeng QS, Shan Q, Li CY, Yan S, Yang WB, 2015, Age, petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the ferrobasalts in the Chagangnuoer iron deposit, western Tianshan. International Geology Review 57, 1218–1238.

        26. Yang WB, Niu HC, Shan Q, Chen HY, Hollings P, Li NB, Yan S, Zartman RE, 2014, Geochemistry of primary-carbonate bearing K-rich igneous rocks in the Awulale Mountains, western Tianshan: Implications for carbon-recycling in subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 143: 143–164.

        27. Yang WB, Niu HC, Shan Q, Sun WD, Zhang H, Li NB., Jiang YH, Yu XY, 2014, Geochemistry of magmatic and hydrothermal zircon from the highly evolved Baerzhe alkaline granite: implications for Zr–REE–Nb mineralization. Mineralium Deposita 49: 451–470.

        28. Jiang YH, Niu HC, Bao ZW, Li NB, Shan Q, Yang WB, 2014, Fluid evolution of the Tongkuangyu porphyry copper deposit in the Zhongtiaoshan region: Evidence from fluid inclusions. Ore Geology Reviews 63: 498–509.

        29. Li NB, Niu HC, Bao ZW, Shan Q, Yang WB, Jiang YH, Zeng LJ, 2014, Geochronology and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Fe-rich mafic sills from the Zhongtiao Mountains: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research 255, Part 2: 668–684.

        30. Jiang YH, Niu HC, Bao ZW, Li NB, Shan Q, Yang WB, Yan S, 2014, Fluid evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Hujiayu copper deposit in the Zhongtiaoshan region: Evidence from fluid inclusions and carbon-oxygen isotopes. Precambrian Research 255, Part 2: 734–747.

        31. Yang WB, Niu HC, Sun WD, Shan Q, Zheng YF, Li NB, Li CY, Arndt NT, Xu X, Jiang YH, Yu XY, 2013, Isotopic evidence for continental ice sheet in mid-latitude region in the supergreenhouse Early Cretaceous. Scientific Reports 3: 2732.

        32. Yang WB, Niu HC, Shan Q, Luo Y, Sun WD, Li CY, Li NB, Yu XY, 2012, Late Paleozoic calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism and its geodynamic implications, Yuximolegai area, western Tianshan, Xinjiang. Gondwana Research 22(1): 325–340.

        33. 李寧波, 牛賀才, 單強, 姜玉航, 曾令君, 楊武斌, 裴重舉, 2013, 新疆尼勒克縣圓頭山后碰撞花崗斑巖的同位素年代學(xué)及地球化學(xué)特征. 巖石學(xué)報 29 (10): 3402–3412.

        34. 牛賀才, 羅勇, 李寧波, 姜玉航, 楊武斌, 單強, 于學(xué)元, 2012, 新疆阿吾拉勒地區查崗諾爾鐵礦床銅礦化的成因探討. 南京大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版) 03: 256–265.

        35. 單強, 曾喬松, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 張紅, 裘愉卓, 于學(xué)元, 2012, 新疆阿爾泰康布鐵堡組鉀質(zhì)和鈉質(zhì)流紋巖的成因及同位素年代學(xué)研究. 巖石學(xué)報 28(7): 2132–2144.

        36. 李寧波, 單強, 羅勇, 牛賀才, 楊武斌, 姜玉航, 于學(xué)元, 2012, 西天山阿吾拉勒地區A型花崗質(zhì)流紋巖的初步研究. 大地構造與成礦 36(4): 624–633.

        37. 楊武斌, 蘇文超, 廖思平, 牛賀才, 羅勇, 單強, 李寧波, 2011, 巴爾哲堿性花崗巖中的熔體和熔體-流體包裹體: 巖漿-熱液過(guò)渡的信息. 巖石學(xué)報 27: 1493–1499.

        38. 楊武斌, 單強, 趙振華, 羅勇, 于學(xué)元, 李寧波, 牛賀才, 2011, 巴爾哲地區堿性花崗巖的成巖和成礦作用: 礦化和未礦化巖體的比較. 吉林大學(xué)學(xué)報(地球科學(xué)版) 41: 1689–1704.

        39. 單強, 廖思平, 盧煥章, 李建康, 楊武斌, 羅勇, 2011, 巖漿到熱液演化的包裹體記錄: 以騎田嶺花崗巖體為例. 巖石學(xué)報 27: 1511–1520.

        40. 單強, 曾喬松, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 張紅, 裘瑜卓, 于學(xué)元, 2011, 新疆阿爾泰康布鐵堡組鉀質(zhì)和鈉質(zhì)流紋巖的成因及同位素年代學(xué)研究. 巖石學(xué)報 27( 12): 3653–3665.

        41. 羅勇, 廖思平, 楊武斌, 單強, 周昌平, 于學(xué)元, 2011, 阿吾拉勒山瓊布拉克銅礦床流體包裹體及穩定同位素研究. 礦床地質(zhì) 30(3): 547–556.

        42. 楊武斌, 牛賀才, 羅勇, 單強, 周昌平, 廖思平, 于學(xué)元, 2010, 新疆尼勒克縣布谷拉超鉀質(zhì)巖漿巖的40Ar-39Ar年齡和地球化學(xué)特征. 巖石學(xué)報 26: 3065–3073.

        43. 牛賀才, 單強, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 周昌平, 廖思平, 于學(xué)元, 2010, 西天山玉希莫勒蓋達坂石英閃長(cháng)巖的微量元素地球化學(xué)及同位素年代學(xué)研究. 巖石學(xué)報26(10): 2935–2945.

        44. 羅勇, 牛賀才, 單強, 楊武斌, 張兵, 周昌平, 廖思平, 于學(xué)元, 2010, 西天山艾肯達坂二疊紀鉀質(zhì)火山巖的地球化學(xué)特征及巖石成因. 巖石學(xué)報 26: 2925–2934.

        45. 楊武斌, 牛賀才, 單強, 于學(xué)元, 裘愉卓, 2009, 巴爾哲超大型稀有稀土礦床成礦機制研究. 巖石學(xué)報 25: 2924–2932.

        46. 牛賀才, 單強, 張兵, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 于學(xué)元, 2009, 東準噶爾扎河壩蛇綠混雜巖中的石榴角閃巖. 巖石學(xué)報 25: 1484–1491.

        47. 牛賀才, 單強, 于學(xué)元, 張兵, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 2009, 扎河壩蛇綠混雜巖內富鈮玄武(安山)巖的地球化學(xué)特征及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報 25: 916–924.

        48. 單強, 張兵, 羅勇, 周昌平, 于學(xué)元, 曾喬松, 楊武斌, 牛賀才, 2009, 新疆尼勒克縣松湖鐵礦床黃鐵礦的特征和微量元素地球化學(xué). 巖石學(xué)報 25(6): 1456–1464.

        49. 羅勇, 牛賀才, 單強, 張兵, 周昌平, 楊武斌, 于學(xué)元, 2009, 西天山玉希莫勒蓋達坂玄武安山巖-高鉀玄武安山巖-粗安巖組合的發(fā)現及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報 25: 934–943.

        50. 牛賀才, 單強, 羅勇, 楊武斌, 于學(xué)元, 2008, 巴爾哲超大型稀有稀土礦床富晶體的流體包裹體初步研究. 巖石學(xué)報 24 (9): 2149–2154.

      •   1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金委優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金項目:礦床地球化學(xué),2022–2014,主持;
          2. 國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃“我國中重稀土礦床成礦規律及勘查評價(jià)技術(shù)”,2022–2026,參加;
          3. 中國科學(xué)院地球科學(xué)研究院重點(diǎn)部署項目“中國主要稀土礦床成因與資源潛力研究”,2019–2024,參加;
          4. 中國科學(xué)院地球科學(xué)研究院重點(diǎn)部署項目“鋰資源探測與分析關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研發(fā)”,2020–2022,參加;
          5. 國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃“稀土元素成礦系統與資源基地深部探測”,2017–2021,參加;
          6. 國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃“燕山期重大地質(zhì)事件的深部過(guò)程與資源效應”,2016–2021,參加;
          7. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:“內蒙古巴爾哲地區堿性花崗巖的源區性質(zhì)及其對Zr、REE和Nb等稀有金屬元素超常富集的制約”,2015–2018,主持。