
      • 姓名: 廖玉宏
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話(huà): 86-20-85291567
      • 傳真: 86-20-85290706
      • 電子郵件: liaoyh@gig.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區五山科華街511號
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      •   廖玉宏:男,1977年生于湖南長(cháng)沙,理學(xué)博士,中科院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所研究員,博士生導師,研究方向為有機地球化學(xué)。2000年北京大學(xué)地質(zhì)系獲學(xué)士學(xué)位,2006年中科院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所獲博士學(xué)位。2005年獲得中國科學(xué)院院長(cháng)優(yōu)秀獎,并于2005-2006以“聯(lián)合培養博士生”的身份在加拿大University of Calgary學(xué)習,2012年獲“涂光熾青年人才獎”。2006年博士畢業(yè)后留所工作,歷任助理研究員、副研究員、特任研究員、研究員。

          研究領(lǐng)域為有機地球化學(xué),近期的研究興趣點(diǎn)包括油氣藏的復雜次生蝕變過(guò)程(包括生物降解、熱成熟作用、TSR及BSR等)及蝕變后油氣藏的有效烴源示蹤方法和資源評價(jià)、頁(yè)巖氣資源潛力及保存條件,以及硫循環(huán)與碳循環(huán)中的微生物過(guò)程等。先后在Organic Geochemistry、AAPG Bulletin、Marine Petroleum Geology及Energy & Fuels等國際主流SCI刊物發(fā)表論文40余篇,先后主持了國家自然科學(xué)基金項目5項,同時(shí)作為科研骨干參與了包括中國科學(xué)院戰略性先導科技專(zhuān)項(A類(lèi))及“十三五”國家科技重大專(zhuān)項《大型油氣田及煤層氣開(kāi)發(fā)》在內的多個(gè)項目。

        社會(huì )任職:
      •   有機地球化學(xué)

      • Huang, Y. Y., Liao, Y. H., Pan, Y. H., Hsu, S. C., Wang, Y. P., Peng, P. A. "Improved Light Hydrocarbons Collection Method for the Pyrolysis of Crude Oil in Gold Tube Closed System Experiments." Organic Geochemistry 168 (2022).

        Zheng, Y.J., Liao, Y. H., Wang, Y. P., Xiong, Y. Q., Peng, P. A. "Effects of Regional Differences in Shale Floor Interval on the Petrophysical Properties and Shale Gas Prospects of the Overmature Niutitang Shale, Middle-Upper Yangtz Block." Minerals 12, no. 539 (2022).

        Liu, W. M., Liao, Y. H.*, Jiang, C. Q., Pan, Y. H., Huang, Y. Y., Wang, X. F., Wang, Y. P., Peng, P. A. "Superimposed Secondary Alteration of Oil Reservoirs. Part Ii: The Characteristics of Biomarkers under the Superimposed Influences of Biodegradation and Thermal Alteration." Fuel 307 (2022).

        Pan, S. B., Jiang, Z. X., Zhang, Y. F., Yuan, X. D., Liao, Y. H.*. "Geochemical Characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous Xiguayuan Formation Mudrocks in the Luanping Basin, Northern China: Implications for the Hydrocarbon Generation Potential and Sedimentary Environments." Marine and Petroleum Geology 133 (2021).

        Zheng, Y. J., Jiang, C. Q., Liao, Y. H.*. "Relationship between Hydrocarbon Gas Generation and Kerogen Structural Evolution Revealed by Closed System Pyrolysis and Quantitative Py-Gc Analysis of a Type Ii Kerogen." Energy & Fuels 35 (2021): 251-63.

        Jiang, B., Tian, Y. K., Zhai, Z., Zhan, Z. W., Liao, Y. H., Zou, Y. R., Peng, P. A. "Characterisation of Heteroatomic Compounds in Free and Bound Bitumen from Different Source Rocks by Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Organic Geochemistry 151 (Jan 2021).

        Liao, Y.H., Liu, W. M., Pan, Y. H., Wang, X. F., Wang, Y. P., Peng, P. A. "Superimposed Secondary Alteration of Oil Reservoirs. Part I: Influence of Biodegradation on the Gas Generation Behavior of Crude Oils." Organic Geochemistry 142 (2020): 1-15.

        Zhang, Y.H., Wang, Y. F., Ma, W., Lu, J. C., Liao, Y.H., Li, Z. S., Shi, Q. "Compositional Characterization of Expelled and Residual Oils in the Source Rocks from Oil Generation-Expulsion Thermal Simulation Experiments." ACS OMEGA 4, no. 5 (2019): 8239-48.

        Pan, Y. H., Li, M. W., Sun, Y. G., Li, Z. M., Liu, P., Jiang, B., Liao, Y. H. "Characterization of Free and Bound Bitumen Fractions in a Thermal Maturation Shale Sequence. Part 1: Acidic and Neutral Compounds by Negative-Ion Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Organic Geochemistry 134 (2019): 1-15.

        Jiang, B., Zhan, Z. W., Shi, Q., Liao, Y. H., Zou, Y. R., Tian, Y. K., Peng, P. A. "Chemometric Unmixing of Petroleum Mixtures by Negative Ion Esi Ft-Icr Ms Analysis." Analytical Chemistry 91 (2019): 2209-15.

        Zheng, Y. J., Liao, Y. H.*, Wang, Y. P., Xiong, Y. Q., Peng, P. A. "Organic Geochemical Characteristics, Mineralogy, Petrophysical Properties and Shale Gas Prospect of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales in Sanquan Town of Nanchuan District, Chongqing." AAPG Bulletin 102, no. 11 (2018): 2239-65.

        Liu, W. M., Liao, Y. H.*, Shi, Q., Hsu, C. S., Jiang, B., Peng, P. A. "Origin of Polar Organic Sulfur Compounds in Immature Crude Oils Revealed by Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Organic Geochemistry 121 (2018): 36-47.

        Liu, W. M., Liao, Y. H.*, Pan, Y. H., Jiang, B., Zeng, Q., Shi, Q., Hsu, C. S. "Use of Esi Ft–Icr Ms to Investigate Molecular Transformation in Simulated Aerobic Biodegradation of a Sulfur-Rich Crude Oil." Organic Geochemistry 123 (2018): 17-26.

        Pan, Y. H., Liao, Y. H.*, Sun, Y. G. "The Characteristics of Bound Biomarkers Released from Asphaltenes in a Sequence of Naturally Biodegraded Oils." Organic Geochemistry 111 (SEP 2017 2017): 56-66.

        Pan, Y. H., Liao, Y. H.*, Shi, Q. "Variations of Acidic Compounds in Crude Oil During Simulated Aerobic Biodegradation: Monitored by Semiquantitative Negative-Ion Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 2 (FEB 2017 2017): 1126-35.

        Zhang, Y. H., Liao, Y. H., Guo, S. H., Xu, C. M., Shi, Q. "Molecular Transformation of Crude Oil in Confined Pyrolysis System and Its Impact on Migration and Maturity Geochemical Parameters." Energy & Fuels 30, no. 9 (SEP 2016 2016): 6923-32.

        Liao, Y. H.*, Zheng, Y. J., Pan, Y. H., Sun, Y. G., Geng, A. S. "A Method to Quantify C-1-C-5 Hydrocarbon Gases by Kerogen Primary Cracking Using Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography." Organic Geochemistry 79 (Feb 2015): 49-55.

        Liao, Y. H.*, Fang, Y. X., Wu, L. L., Cao, Q. G., Geng, A. S. "The Source of Highly Overmature Solid Bitumens in the Permian Coral Reef Paleo-Reservoirs of the Nanpanjiang Depression." Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (Jan 2015): 527-34.

        Pan, Y. H., Liao, Y. H.*, Zheng, Y. J. "Effect of Biodegradation on the Molecular Composition and Structure of Asphaltenes: Clues from Quantitative Py-Gc and Thm-Gc." Organic Geochemistry 86 (SEP 2015 2015): 32-44.

        Wu, L. L., Liao, Y. H., Geng, A. S. "Investigation of Hydropyrolysis Released Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Permian Kerogens at Different Maturities in the Sichuan Basin, China." Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 114 (JUL 2015 2015): 47-59.

        Fang, Y. X., Liao, Y. H.*, Wu, L. L., Geng, A. S., . "The Origin of Solid Bitumen in the Honghuayuan Formation (O(1)H) of the Majiang Paleo-Reservoir-Evidence from Catalytic Hydropyrolysates." Organic Geochemistry 68 (Mar 2014): 107-17.

        Pan, Y. H., Liao, Y. H.*, Shi, Q., Hsu, C. S. "Acidic and Neutral Polar Nso Compounds in Heavily Biodegraded Oils Characterized by Negative-Ion Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Energy & Fuels 27, no. 6 (Jun 2013): 2960-73.

        Wu, L. L., Liao, Y. H., Fang, Y. X., Geng, A. S. "The Comparison of Biomarkers Released by Hydropyrolysis and Soxhlet Extraction from Source Rocks of Different Maturities." Chinese Science Bulletin 58, no. 3 (Jan 2013 2013): 373-83.

        Wu, L. L., Liao, Y. H., Fang, Y. X., Geng, A. S. "The Study on the Source of the Oil Seeps and Bitumens in the Tianjingshan Structure of the Northern Longmen Mountain Structure of Sichuan Basin, China." Marine and Petroleum Geology 37, no. 1 (Nov 2012 2012): 147-61.

        Liao, Y. H.*, Fang, Y. X., Wu, L. L., Geng, A. S., Hsu, C. S. "The Characteristics of the Biomarkers and Delta C-13 of N-Alkanes Released from Thermally Altered Solid Bitumens at Various Maturities by Catalytic Hydropyrolysis." Organic Geochemistry 46 (May 2012): 56-65.

        Liao, Y. H.*, Shi, Q., Hsu, C. S., Pan, Y. H., Zhang, Y. H. "Distribution of Acids and Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in Biodegraded Oils of the Liaohe Basin by Negative Ion Esi Ft-Icr Ms." Organic Geochemistry 47 (Jun 2012): 51-65.

      •   1)國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,42173056,高氫壓瞬時(shí)熱解技術(shù)在干酪根分子結構表征、生烴潛力評價(jià)及鍵合態(tài)生物標志物釋放中的應用探索,2022/01-2025/12,主持。

