
      • 姓名: 田輝
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 科技與平臺處處長(cháng)
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話(huà): 020-85290708
      • 傳真: 
      • 電子郵件: tianhui@gig.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      •   田輝,男,1977年2月出生,河北保定人。國家杰出青年科學(xué)基金(2019)和優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金(2015)獲得者,現任廣州地球化學(xué)研究所科技與平臺處處長(cháng),有機地球化學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室副主任,《Marine and Petroleum Geology》期刊“領(lǐng)域編輯”(Section Editor)。2000年和2003年獲中國石油大學(xué)(華東)學(xué)士和碩士學(xué)位;2006年7月畢業(yè)于中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,獲博士學(xué)位。2006年至今,先后任有機地球化學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室助理研究員、副研究員和研究員(其中:2014/2–2015/2,美國德克薩斯大學(xué)奧斯丁分校訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者)。主要從事油氣地球化學(xué)和石油地質(zhì)學(xué)研究,包括深層/深水與非常規油氣研究。主要學(xué)術(shù)成績(jì)包括:(1)利用典型原油樣品,厘定了原油裂解氣的主生氣期與碳同位素特征,建立了原油裂解成氣的地質(zhì)模型,提出了我國原油裂解氣成藏的兩種模式:原地成藏與異地成藏;(2)針對中國含油氣盆地特點(diǎn),完善了限定體系下原油裂解氣與干酪根裂解氣的判別圖版,指出原油族組成是影響原油裂解氣潛力及其地化特征的重要原因之一;(3)揭示了南方下古兩套頁(yè)巖的孔徑特征與差異,闡明了超臨界甲烷在富微孔頁(yè)巖上的吸附特征與機理,建立了基于過(guò)剩吸附模型的頁(yè)巖原地氣量評價(jià)新方法;(4)首次發(fā)現了完整系列的C31-C34 25-降苯并霍烷和25-降六氫化苯并霍烷,為研究原油生物降解提供了新指標;首次在川西北P(pán)/T界面附近發(fā)現了C34 2 -甲基霍烷的異常分布,認為其可能與甲基細菌藿烷多醇側鏈的變化及特定沉積環(huán)境有關(guān),進(jìn)而可作為有效的油源對比與古環(huán)境恢復指標。上述成果在EPSL、CG、AAPG、OG、MPG等SCI期刊發(fā)表50 余篇論文,H-index為24,SCI他引3000余次,3篇第一作者論文入選ESI Top 1%“高被引論文”。

        社會(huì )任職:
      • 油氣地球化學(xué)和地質(zhì)學(xué),包括深層油氣和非常規油氣。


      •   2022年度廣東省自然科學(xué)一等獎(R2

      • 1. Peng Cheng, Hui Tian,* Xianming Xiao, Haifeng Gai, Qin Zhou, Linyuan Zhou, 2023. Influence of Thermal Maturity on the Time-Resolved Emission Spectrum (TRES) Fluorescence Lifetime Characteristics of Crude Oils: A Preliminary Study Based on a Thermal Simulation Experiment of Crude Oils. Energy Fuels 37, 5165?5178.

        2. Zijin Wu, Tengfei Li, Sui Ji, Qin Zhou, Hui Tian*, 2023. Gas Generation from Coal and Coal-Measure Mudstone Source Rocks of the Xujiahe Formation in the Western Sichuan Depression, Sichuan Basin. Journal of Earth Science 34, 1012-1025.

        3. Fugui He, Hui Tian,* Haifeng Gai, Wei Liu, Zheng Qian, Tao Jiang, Qi Han, Jie Fan , Jie Zhang, XiaoXiao Yang, Ao Zhang, 2023. Geochemical characteristics and organic matter enrichment of the lower cretaceous dolomite-rich interval in the Bayindulan sag, Erlian basin, northern China. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 228, 211970.

        4. Yaowen Wu, Hui Tian*, Runsheng Yin, Di Chen, Stephen E. Grasby, Jun Shen, Tengfei Li, Sui Ji, Ping'an Peng, 2023. Highly fractionated Hg isotope evidence for dynamic euxinia in shallow waters of the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 616, 118211.

        5. Zeyang Liu, Hui Tian*, Runsheng Yin, Di Chen, Haifeng Gai, 2022. Mercury loss and isotope fractionation during thermal maturation of organic-rich mudrocks. Chemical Geology 612, 121144.

        6. Yaowen Wu, Hui Tian*, Zeyang Liu, Shangli Liu, Tengfei Li, Sui Ji, Ping'an Peng, 2022. Interpretation of abnormally negative carbon isotope excursions in Eifelian–Givetian (Middle Devonian) sediments of South China and implications for paleo-environmental variation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 604, 111225.

        7. Xing Wang, Hui Tian*, Haifeng Gai, Zijin Wu, Qin Zhou, Sui Ji, Tengfei Li, Xianming Xiao, 2022. Generation and geochemical signatures of natural gas from solid bitumen: Implications from closed and stepwise semi-open pyrolysis experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology 145, 105889.

        8. Zeyang Liu, Hui Tian*, David Selby, Jianfang Hu, D. Jeffrey Over, 2022. Organic geochemistry evidence for wildfire and elevated pO2 at the Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Global and Planetary Change 216, 103904.

        9. Yaowen Wu, Runsheng Yin, Chao Li, Di Chen, Stephen E. Grasby, Tengfei Li, Sui Ji, Hui Tian*, Ping’an Peng, 2022. Global Hg cycle over Ediacaran–Cambrian transition and its implications for environmental and biological evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 587, 117551.

        10. Yaowen Wu, Hui Tian*, Wanglu Jia, Jie, Li, Tengfei Li, Qin Zhou, Luhua Xie, Ping’an Peng2022. Nitrogen isotope evidence for stratified ocean redox structure during late Ediacaran to Cambrian Age 3 in the Yangtze Block of South China. Chemical Geology 589, 120679.

        11. Cheng, P., Liu, B., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Gai, H., Zhou, Q., Li, T., Liu, D., 2021. Fluorescence lifetime evolution of crude oils during thermal cracking: Implications from pyrolysis experiments in a closed system. Organic Geochemistry 159, 104273.

        12. Wu, Y., Tian*, H., Li, T., Li, Z., Ji, S., Xiao, X., Xie, L., 2021. Enhanced terrestrial organic matter burial in the marine shales of Yangtze platform during the early Carboniferous interglacial interval. Marine and Petroleum Geology 129, 105064.

        13. Wu, Y., Tian*, H., Li, J., Li, T., Ji, S., 2021. Reconstruction of oceanic redox structures during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Yangtze Block of South China: Implications from Mo isotopes and trace elements. Precambrian Research 359, 106181.

        14. Wang, X., Tian*, H., Zhou, Q., He, C., 2021. Origin and formation of pyrobitumen in Sinian-Cambrian reservoirs of the Anyue gas field in Sichuan Basin: Implications from pyrolysis experiments of different oil fractions. Energy & Fuels 35, 1165-1177.

        15. Wang, X., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Liu, D., Min, Y., Li, T., Ji, S., Peng, P., 2021. Methane-dominated gaseous inclusions in the Sinian carbonate reservoirs in central Sichuan Basin and their implications for natural gas accumulation. Marine and Petroleum Geology 125, 104871.

        16. Gai, H., Li, T., Wang, X., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Zhou, Q., 2020. Methane adsorption characteristics of overmature Lower Cambrian shales of deepwater shelf facies in Southwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 120, 104565.

        17. Gai, H., Tian*, H., Cheng, P., He, C., Wu, Z., Ji, S., Xiao, X., 2020. Characteristics of molecular nitrogen generation from overmature black shales in South China: Preliminary implications from pyrolysis experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology 120, 104527.

        18. Wu, Y., Tian*, H., Gong, D., Li, T., Zhou, Q., 2020. Paleo-environmental variation and its control on organic matter enrichment of black shales from shallow shelf to slope regions on the Upper Yangtze Platform during Cambrian Stage 3. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 545, 109653.

        19. Cheng, P., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Liu, D., Zhang, Y., Huang, B., Zhou, Q., Gai, H., Li, T., 2019. Fluorescence lifetimes of crude oils and oil inclusions: A preliminary study in the Western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry 134, 16–31.

        20. Gai, H., Tian*, H., Cheng, P., Zhou, Q., Li, T., Wang, X., Xiao, X., 2019. Influence of retained bitumen in oil-prone shales on the chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of natural gases: Implications from pyrolysis experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology 101, 148–161.

        21. Gai, H., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., 2018. Late gas generation potential for different types of shale source rocks: Implications from pyrolysis experiments. International Journal of Coal Geology 193, 16–29.

        22. Cheng, P., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Zhou, Q., Gai, H., Li, T., Wang, X., 2017. Water Distribution in Overmature Organic-Rich Shales: Implications from Water Adsorption Experiments. Energy and Fuels 31, 13120–13132.

        23. Li, T., Tian*, H., Xiao, X., Cheng, P., Zhou, Q., Wei, Q., 2017. Geochemical characterization and methane adsorption capacity of overmature organic-rich Lower Cambrian shales in northeast Guizhou region, Southwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 858–873.

        24. Huang, B.J., Zhu, W.L., Tian*, H., Jin, Q., Xiao, X., Hu, C., 2017. Characterization of Eocene lacustrine source rocks and their oils in the Beibuwan Basin, offshore South China Sea. AAPG Bulletin 101, 1395–1423.

        25. Pan, L., Xiao, X.M., Tian*, H., Zhou, Q., Cheng, P., 2016. Geological models of gas in place of the Longmaxi shale in Southeast Chongqing, south China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 73, 433–444.

        26. Huang, B.J., Tian*, H., Li, X., Wang, Z., Xiao, X., 2016. Geochemistry, origin and accumulation of natural gases in the deepwater area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 72, 254–267.

        27. Tian, H., Li, T., Zhang, T., Xiao, X., 2016. Characterization of methane adsorption on overmature Lower Silurian–Upper Ordovician shales in Sichuan Basin, southwest China: Experimental results and geological implications. International Journal of Coal Geology 156, 36–49.

        28. Huang, B.J., Tian*, H., Huang, H., Yang, J., Xiao, X., Li, L., 2015. Origin and accumulation of CO2 and its natural displacement of oils in the continental margin basins, northern South China Sea. AAPG Bulletin 99, 1349–1369.

        29. Tian, H., Pan, L., Zhang, T., Xiao, X., Meng, Z., Huang, B., 2015. Pore characterization of organic-rich Lower Cambrian shales in Qiannan Depression of Guizhou Province, Southwestern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 62, 28–43.

        30. Tian, H., Pan, L., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., Meng, Z.P., Huang, B.J., 2013. A preliminary study on the pore characterization of Lower Silurian black shales in the Chuandong Thrust Fold Belt, Southwestern China using low pressure N2 adsorption and FE-SEM methods. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 8–19.

        31. Tian*, H., Cheng, P., Zhou, Q., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., 2013. Abnormal elevations of C34 2 -methylhopane and C34 2 -methylbenzohopane in a Lower Triassic mudstone sample, NW Sichuan Basin. Organic Geochemistry 63, 139–144.

        32. Huang, B.J, Tian*, H., Wilkins, R.W.T., Xiao, X., Li, L., 2013. Geochemical characteristics, palaeoenvironment and formation model of Eocene organic-rich shales in the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 77–89.

        33. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., Tang, Y.C., 2012. An experimental comparison of gas generation from three oil fractions: Implications for the chemical and stable carbon isotopic signatures of oil cracking gas. Organic Geochemistry 46, 96–112.

        34. Tian*, H., Cheng, P., Zhou, Q., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., 2012. A complete series of C31-C34 25-norbenzohopanes in the Devonian and Jurassic bitumen sands, NW Sichuan Basin. Organic Geochemistry 45, 1–6.

        35. Tian, H., Xiao X.M., Wilkins R.W.T., Gan, H., Guo, L., Yang, L., 2010. Genetic origins of marine gases in the Tazhong area of the Tarim basin, NW China: Implications from the pyrolysis of marine kerogens and crude oil. International Journal of Coal Geology 80, 17–26.

        36. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M., Gan, H.J., Yang, L., Guo, L., Shen, J., 2010. A comparative experimental study on gas generation from saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons isolated from a Cambrian oil in Tarim basin. Geochemical Journal 44, 151–158.

        37. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M, Yang, L.G., Xiao, Z., Guo, L., Shen, J., Lu, Y., 2009. Pyrolysis of oil at high temperatures: Gas potentials, chemical and carbon isotopic signatures. Chinese Science Bulletin 54, 1217–1224.

        38. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., Gan, H., Xiao, Z., Liu D., Guo L., 2008. Formation and evolution of Silurian paleo-oil pools in the Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry 39, 1281–1293.

        39. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., Tang, Y.C., 2008. New insight into the volume and pressure changes during the thermal cracking of oil to gas in reservoirs: implications for the in-situ accumulation of gas cracked from oils. AAPG Bulletin 92, 181-200.

        40. Tian, H., Xiao, X.M., Wilkins, R.W.T., Li, X.Q., Gan, H.J., 2007. Gas sources of the YN2 gas pool in the Tarim Basin—Evidence from gas generation and methane carbon isotope fractionation kinetics of source rocks and crude oils. Marine and Petroleum Geology 24, 29–41.

        41. Tian, H., Wang, Z.M., Xiao, Z.Y., Li, X.Q., Xiao, X.M., 2006. Oil cracking to gases: Kinetic modeling and geological significance. Chinese Science Bulletin 51, 2763–2770.

        42. 田輝*, 肖賢明,楊立國,肖中堯,郭利果,申家貴,盧玉紅,2009. 原油高溫裂解生氣潛力與氣體特征. 科學(xué)通報, 54 (6): 781–786.

        43. 田輝*, 肖賢明,李賢慶,肖中堯,申家貴,劉德漢,2007. 海相干酪根與原油裂解氣甲烷生成及碳同位素分餾的差異研究. 地球化學(xué), 36(1) : 71–77.

        44. 田輝, 王招明,肖中堯,李賢慶,肖賢明,2006. 原油裂解成氣動(dòng)力學(xué)模擬及其意義. 科學(xué)通報, 51 (15): 1821–1827.

        45. 伍耀文,龔大建,李騰飛,王星,田輝*2019. 黔中隆起及周緣地區牛蹄塘組含氮頁(yè)巖氣分布特征及有利勘探方向. 地球化學(xué),48(6): 613–623.

        46. 王星,田輝*2018. 頁(yè)巖中多元氣體競爭吸附特征研究現狀及展望. 地球化學(xué),47(3): 229–239.

        47. 李敏,田輝*,肖賢明,張水昌,相明輝,蓋海峰,程鵬,傅家謨,2014. 塔河油田稠油中25-降苯并藿烷的檢出及其意義. 地球化學(xué),43(5): 453–459.

      •   1. 國家杰出青年科學(xué)基金,41925014,石油與天然氣地球化學(xué),2020/01-2024/12;
          2. 基金委重點(diǎn)基金,42330811,鄂西黃陵古隆起周緣海相頁(yè)巖氣形成與富集機制研究,2024/01-2028/12;
          3. 科技部重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃項目,2023YFF0803700,晚奧陶—早志留世全球大規模有機質(zhì)堆積對地球宜居性的影響,2024/01-2028/12。