
      • 姓名: 朱潤良
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話(huà): 020-85297603
      • 傳真: 020-85297603
      • 電子郵件: zhurl@gig.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區五山科華街511號
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      •   朱潤良,湖南汝城人,中科院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所研究員。獲國家杰出青年基金、優(yōu)秀青年基金資助,入選國家“萬(wàn)人計劃”青年拔尖人才、中科院高層次人才引進(jìn)計劃、英國皇家學(xué)會(huì )“牛頓高級學(xué)者”和“牛頓國際學(xué)者”、廣東省“特支計劃”科技創(chuàng )新領(lǐng)軍人才。2002年畢業(yè)于沈陽(yáng)航空工業(yè)學(xué)院安全工程系,獲學(xué)士學(xué)位;2007年畢業(yè)于浙江大學(xué)環(huán)境與資源學(xué)院,獲博士學(xué)位;2009年由英國皇家學(xué)會(huì )牛頓獎學(xué)金資助,在英國巴斯大學(xué)化學(xué)系開(kāi)展研究工作。

          主要從事納米礦物的結晶生長(cháng)及表界面反應性、新型礦物納米功能材料的研發(fā)、環(huán)境礦物及污染修復等領(lǐng)域的研究工作。在A(yíng)ppl Catal B, Prog Mater Sci, Environ Sci & Technol, Geochim Cosmochim Ac, Chem Commun, J Mater Chem A,Am Miner等礦物、地化、環(huán)境、材料領(lǐng)域主流期刊發(fā)表SCI論文240余篇,授權國家發(fā)明專(zhuān)利30余項。獲多項省部級科技獎勵,指導博士研究生多人次獲得中國科學(xué)院院長(cháng)特別獎/優(yōu)秀獎。

          擔任Mineralogical Magazine和Clays and Clay Minerals副主編,地球化學(xué)編委。 


        社會(huì )任職:
      •   1、納米礦物結晶生長(cháng)及表界面反應性



          人類(lèi)社會(huì )發(fā)展史也是人類(lèi)對礦產(chǎn)資源開(kāi)發(fā)利用的歷史,各種天然納米礦物是制備功能納米材料的理想前驅體。以納米礦物(如黏土礦物、鐵氧化物)為基礎,通過(guò)插層、摻雜、負載、形貌調控、模版組裝等手段,研制具有吸附、催化、儲能活性的納米功能材料,用于環(huán)境污染修復和鋰離子電池的儲鋰材料,實(shí)現納米礦物的高值高效利用。


          礦物具有重要環(huán)境屬性,是可大規模應用的環(huán)境污染治理材料。課題組利用天然和改性納米礦物,開(kāi)展土壤和水污染修復治理研究。 此外,基于建筑固廢(廢棄水泥、盾構渣土)的主要成分為各種礦物資源,開(kāi)展建筑固廢的處理處置和綜合利用研究。



      •   1.廣東省自然科學(xué)一等獎: 黏土礦物表面反應性(9/10; 2018年)

          2.浙江省科技進(jìn)步一等獎: 新型廢水處理功能材料及其工程應用(9/12; 2016年)

          3.廣東省科技進(jìn)步二等獎: 我國南方重金屬污染農田治理關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究與應用(3/10; 2020年)

          4.湖南省自然科學(xué)二等獎:飲用水中消毒副產(chǎn)物的形成過(guò)程與控制技術(shù)原理(2/6; 2013年)






      • 1. Wei H, Liu J, Chen Q, Zhu R*, Yan L, Yang Y, Liang X, Zhu J, He H. 2023. Heterogeneous and retarded phase transformation of ferrihydrite on montmorillonite surface: the important role of surface interactions. American Mineralogist.

        2. Xie Q, Zhu Y*, Xian H, Chen Q, Liu C, Wu F, Liang X, Zhu R*. 2023. The complex heterogeneous Fenton reactivity of transition metal-doped ferrihydrite: insight from the structural variation and pathway of H2O2 activation. Applied Surface Science.

        3. Chen X, Yao L, He J, Li J, Xu S, Li N*, Zhu Y, Chen X, Zhu R*. 2023. Enhanced degradation of tetracycline under natural sunlight through the synergistic effect of Ag3PO4/MIL-101(Fe) photocatalysis and Fenton catalysis: Mechanism, pathway, and toxicity assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials.

        4. Liu J, Chen Q, Yang Y, Wei H, Laipan M,Zhu R*, He H, Hochella Jr Michael F*. 2022. Coupled redox cycling of Fe and Mn in the environment: The complex interplay of solution species with Fe- and Mn-(oxyhydr)oxide crystallization and transformation. Earth-Science Reviews. 232, 104105.

        5. Lv Y, Liu J, Chen C, Lin X, Wu X, Chen Q, He H, Zhu R*. 2022. Enhanced immobilization of phosphate by ferrihydrite during the photoreductive dissolution process. Science of The Total Environment. 838, 155835.

        6. Lv Y, Liu J, Zhu R*, Zhu J, Chen Q, Liang X, He H. 2022. Photoreductive dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides and its geochemical significance. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 6 (4), 811-829.

        7. Liu J, Sayako I, Zhu R*, He , Hochella Jr M F*. 2021. Facet-specific oxidation of Mn (II) and heterogeneous growth of manganese (oxyhydr) oxides on hematite nanoparticles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 307, 151-167.

        8. Fu H, He H, Zhu R*, Ling L*, Zhang W, Chen Q. 2021. Phosphate modified magnetite@ferrihydrite as an magnetic adsorbent for Cd(II) removal from water, soil, and sediment. Science of The Total Environment. 764, 142846.

        9. Liu J, Zhu R*, Ma L, Fu H, Lin X, Parker C S, Molinari M. 2021. Adsorption of phosphate and cadmium on iron (oxyhydr)oxides: A comparative study on ferrihydrite, goethite, and hematite. Geoderma. 383, 114799

        10. Zhu R*, Chen Q, Du J, He Q, Liu P, Xi Y, He H, 2020. Organoclay-derived lamellar silicon carbide/carbon composite as ideal support for Pt nanoparticles: facile synthesis and toluene oxidation performance. Chemical Communications. 56, 94899492.

        11. Zhu R*, Zhu Y, Xian H, Yan L, Fu H, Zhu G*, Xi Y, Zhu J, He H, 2020. CNTs/ferrihydrite as a highly efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of bisphenol A: the important role of CNTs in accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycling. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 270, 118891

        12. Laipan M, Yu J, Zhu R*, Zhu J, Smith T A, He H, O’Hare D*, Sun L*. 2020. Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides for Innovative Applications. Materials Horizons. 7, 715745.

        13. Laipan M, Xiang L, Yu J Benjamin MR, Zhu R*, Zhu J, He H, Clearfield A*, Sun L*. 2020. Layered Intercalation Compounds: Mechanisms, New Methodologies, and Advanced Applications. Progress in Material Science. 109, 100631.

        14. Yan L, Zhu R*, Liu J, Yang Y, Zhu J, Sun H, He H, 2020. Effects of fullerol and graphene oxide on the phase transformation of two-line ferrihydrite. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 4, 335344.

        15. Chen Q, Zhu R*, He Q, Liu S, Wu D*, Fu H, Du J, Zhu J, He H, 2019. In situ synthesis of silicon flake/nitrogen-doped graphene-like carbon composite from organoclay for high-performance lithium-ion battery anode. Chemical Communications. 55(18), 2644–2647.

        16. Zhu Y, Zhu R*, Xi Y*, Zhu J, Zhu G, He H, 2019. Strategies for enhancing the heterogeneous Fenton catalytic reactivity: A review. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 255, 117739.

        17. Liu J, Zhu R*, Chen Q, Zhou H, Liang X, Ma L, Parker S C. 2019. The significant effect of photo-catalyzed redox reactions on the immobilization of chromium by hematite. Chemical Geology. 524, 228236.

        18. Chen Q, Zhu R*, Deng L, He Q, Du J, Ma L, Zhang J, Wang A, 2019. One-pot synthesis of novel hierarchically porous and hydrophobic Si/SiOx composite from natural palygorskite for benzene adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal. 378, 122131.

        19. Chen Q, Zhu R*, Liu S, Wu D, Fu H, Zhu J, He H. 2018. Self-templating synthesis of silicon nanorods from nature sepiolite for high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 6, 63566362.

        20. Chen Q, Liu S, Zhu R*, Wu D, Fu H, Zhu J, He H. 2018. Clay minerals derived nanostructured silicon with various morphology: Controlled synthesis, structural evolution, and enhanced lithium storage properties. Journal of Power Sources. 405, 61–69.

        21. Zhu Y, Zhu R*, Yan L, Fu H, Xi Y*, Zhu G, Zhu J, He H, 2018. Enhanced heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalytic activity of novel visible-light-driven Ag/AgBr/ferrihydrite catalysts via transferring photo-generated electrons from Ag/AgBr to ferrihydrit. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 239, 280289.

        22. Zhu Y, Zhu R*, Xi Y, Xu T, Yan L, Zhu J, Zhu G*, He H, 2018. Heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of bisphenol A over Ag/AgCl/ferrihydrite catalysts under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal. 346, 567577.

        23. Chen Q, Zhu R*, Fu H, Ma L, Zhu J, He H, Deng Y. 2018. From natural clay minerals to porous silicon nanoparticles. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials. 260, 7683.

        24. Zhu Y, Zhu R*, Zhu G*, Wang M, Chen Y, Zhu J, Xi Y, He H. 2018. Plasmonic Ag coated Zn/Ti-LDH with excellent photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science. 433, 458467.

        25. Fu H, Yang Y, Zhu R*, Liu J, Usman M, Chen Q, He H. 2018. Superior adsorption of phosphate by ferrihydrite-coated and lanthanum-decorated magnetite Research article. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 530, 704713.

        26. Liu J, Zhu R*, Liang X, Ma L, Lin X, Zhu J, He H, Parker SC, Molinari M. 2018. Synergistic Adsorption of Cd(II) with Sulfate/Phosphate on Ferrihydrite: An In Situ ATR-FTIR/2D-COS Study. Chemical Geology, 477, 1221.

        27. Xu T, Zhu R*, Zhu G, Zhu J, Liang X, Zhu Y, He H. 2017. Mechanisms for the enhanced photo-Fenton activity of ferrihydrite modified with BiVO4 at neutral pH. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 212, 50–58.

        28. Liu Y, Gao J, Zhu G*, Hojamberdiev M, Zhu R*, Wei X, Liu P, 2017. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Bi4Ti3O12 nanosheets by Fe3+-doping and the addition of Au nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 200, 72–82.

        29. Liu Y, Zhu G*, Gao J, Zhu R*, Hojamberdiev M, Wang C, Wei X, Liu P. 2017. A novel synergy of Er3+/Fe3+ co-doped porous Bi5O7I microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 205, 421432.

        30. Chen Q, Zhu R*, Ma L, Zhou Q, Zhu J, He H. 2017. Influence of interlayer species on the thermal characteristics of montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science, 135, 129–135.

        31. Chen Q, Liu H, Zhu R*, Wang X, Wang S, Zhu J, He H, 2016. Facile Synthesis of Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped Graphene-like Carbon Materials using Methyl Blue/Montmorillonite Composites. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 225, 137143.

        32. Xu T, Zhu R*, Zhu J, Liang X, Liu Y, Xu Y, He H. 2016. Ag3PO4 immobilized on hydroxy-metal pillared montmorillonite for the visible-light-driven degradation of acid red 18. Catalysis Science & Technology. 6, 4116–4123.

        33. Xu T, Zhu R*, Zhu J, Liang X, Liu Y, Xu Y, He H. 2016. BiVO4 FeOOH Mt composite for visible-light-driven degradation of dye. Applied Clay Science, 129, 27–34

        34. Zhu R, Chen Q, Zhou Q, Xi Y, Zhu J, He H. 2016. Adsorbents based on montmorillonite for contaminant removal from water: A review. Applied Clay Science, 123, 239258.

        35. Liu J, Zhu R*, Xu T, Xu Y, Ge F, Zhu J, He H. 2016. Co-adsorption of phosphate and zinc(II) on the surface of ferrihydrite. Chemosphere, 144, 1148–1155.

        36. Zhu R, Zhou Q, Zhu J, Xi Y, He H. 2015. Organo-clays as sorbents of hydrophobic organic contaminants: sorptive characteristics and approaches to enhancing sorption capacity. Clays and Clay Minerals. 63, 199–211

        37. Laipan M, Zhu R*, Chen Q, Zhu J, Xi Y, Ayoko GA, He H. 2015. From Spent Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxide to Porous Carbon Materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 300, 572–590.

        38. Zhu R*, Chen Q, Liu H, Ge F, Zhu L, Zhu J, He H, Montmorillonite as a multifunctional adsorbent can simultaneously remove crystal violet, cetyltrimethyl- ammonium, and 2-naphthol from water. Applied Clay Science. 2014, 88–89, 33–38

        39. Zhu R*, Li M, Ge F, Xu Y, Zhu J, He H, 2014. Co-sorption of Cd and phosphate to the surface of a synthetic hydroxyiron-montmorillonite complex. Clays and Clay Minerals. , 62, 79–88.

        40. Zhu R, Molinari M, Sharply TV, Parker CS. 2013. Modeling the Interaction of Nanoparticles with Mineral Surfaces: Adsorbed C60 on Pyrophyllite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117, 6602–6611.  

        41. Zhu R*, Hu W, Ge F, You Z, Tian K. 2012. Molecular dynamics simulation of TCDD adsorption on organo-montmorillonite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 377(1), 328–333.

        42. Zhu R*, Chen W, Liu Y, Zhu J, Ge F, He H. 2012. Application of linear free energy relationships to characterizing the sorptive characteristics of organic contaminants on organoclays from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 233–234, 228–234.

        43. Zhu R, Chen W, Sharply T, Molinari M, Ge F, Parker CS. 2011. Sorptive characteristics of organomontmorillonite toward organic compounds: A combined LFERs and molecular dynamics simulation study. Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (15), 6504–6510

        44. Zhu R*, Wang T, Zhu JX, Ge F, Yuan P, He H. 2010. Structural and sorptive characteristics of the cetyltrimethylammonium and polyacrylamide modified bentonite.Chemical Engineering Journal, 160, 220225.

        45. Zhu R*, Wang T, Ge F, Chen W, You Z. 2009, Intercalation of both CTMAB and Al13 into montmorillonite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 335, 7783.

        46. Zhu R*, Zhu L, Zhu J, Ge F, Wang T. 2009, Sorption of naphthalene and phosphate to the CTMAB-Al13 intercalated bentonites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168, 15901594.

        47. Zhu R, Zhu L. 2008, Thermodynamics of naphthalene sorption to organoclays: role of surfactant packing densities. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 322, 27–32

        48. Zhu R, Zhu L, Zhu J, Xu L. 2008, Structures of surfactant-clay complexes and their sorptive characteristics toward HOCs. Separation and Purification Technology, 63, 156162. 

      •   1.國家杰出青年基金項目:礦物學(xué)(2022年)




          5.中國科學(xué)院創(chuàng )新交叉團隊項目:黏土礦物資源高值利用創(chuàng )新交叉團隊(2019年)

          6.廣東省“特支計劃”科技創(chuàng )新領(lǐng)軍人才(2018年)




          10.英國皇家學(xué)會(huì )“牛頓高級學(xué)者”(Newton Advanced Fellowship): Understanding the co-sorption of heavy metal cations and oxyanions at (oxyhydro)oxide-water interfaces (2015年)

          11.國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:粘土礦物與富勒烯/富勒醇表界面作用特征研究 (2015年)

          12.廣東省“特支計劃”科技創(chuàng )新青年拔尖人才(2015年)




          16.英國皇家學(xué)會(huì )“牛頓國際學(xué)者”(Newton International Fellowship):Synthesis of organic anions intercalated hydrotalcites and their applications to the removal of organic contaminants from water (2009年)
